The swimmers of Primorje Aqua Maris have successfully opened a new competition season with great achievements at the Croatian Free Routines Cup in Split. Our synchronised swimmers were the best in all categories in which they participated - they were first in combination and duet, juniors in team, younger juniors in all three disciplines, and cadets in duet and team. In addition to this, they also won the third place in duet in the category of younger juniors and cadets.
They continued their winning streak at the national junior championship held at the end of March in Split, where they won two gold and one silver medal. Sinkrice were also were successful at the Orka Cup in Hungary where they fought the tough competition of 24 clubs from six European countries, and returned with a total of five medals (2 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze) in three different age categories.
We would like to emphasize that Aqua Maris has been a proud sponsor of the Primorje girls for years and use this opportunity to congratulate the swimmers and their coaches who have once again proven that perseverance and hard work do pay off!