In addition to internships and preparing graduation or diploma thesis under the mentorship of our employees, the most common form of JGL cooperation with schools and colleges are visits. One of these visits was organized on 21 October, when a group of 36 high-school seniors from the Vocational Medical School, Department of Pharmaceutical Technicians from Osijek visited our Svilno location.
The group was chaperoned by M.Sc. Aurora Amidžić, a teacher who is also the head of the hospital pharmacy in the Clinical Hospital in Osijek. At JGL students were addressed by Jasmin Huljaj, Executive Director of Operations, who briefly presented the history, present and future of the company. The visit continued with a tour of the manufacturing facilities with professional, but also fun and interactive guides, Vlado Maleš and Tatjana Rajković.
The group was delighted with what they heard and saw and some students immediately expressed a desire to work for JGL in the future. On behalf of the school, Professor Amidžić thanked JGL for the hospitality and everything learned during the visit, which will certainly help high-school students in continuing their education, in graduating, and certainly in their future professional career.